Airport Observations

Originally posted: February 25th, 2014

I had never been kicked awake, to rise from my peaceful albeit uncomfortable slumber and accompanying puddle of drool to open my eyes groggily and find two Bahrainian Airport security personnel standing over me telling me to leave. Now I have. Instead of leaving I made my way halfway around to where they told me to exit and ducked into a stairwell. Now, hours later, I find myself having bought a value meal from Jasmi’s, a cheaper version of McDonalds (even though the USDollar is so weak here it cost more than a trip to the ‘bees does back home). I don’t think they’ve ever had to deal with someone who consumes this much ketchup with a meal before. Two packets with a triple burger and fries? Two packets is like 4 fries. I put ketchup on my ketchup. You gon’ learrrrn today!

-This place is great for people watching. Men seen wearing nothing but towels in the lounge. The man next to me took his suit off and was shirtless before wrapping himself in white linens.

-Also saw a little kid carrying a giant teddy brear through the airport with just his teeth, while holding his mother’s hand with his right hand and picking his nose with his left. Whatever works kid.

-Back in the Istanbul Airport I saw a Canadian Olympian who appeared to be returning from the Sochi games. The name on the mom’s bag said something like Lauren Silvermen…. I’ll look her up later to see if she was worth getting excited about.

-Oh and also in the Istanbul Airport I saw the Azerbaijani Wrestling team. Sized them up… I could take em.

-Also spotted just now, the always awkward speedwalk/run/jog hybrid. I mean, pick one lady. Be confident your plane won’t leave without you and walk. Or realize that your tardy ass needs to get a move on and just run for it. Whatever you do, just own it. I don’t care. Just pick one so you aren’t switching back and forth between walking and running every three seconds and making it uncomfortable for everyone bearing witness.  Or am I the only one?

-It is refreshing, I must say, to be in a place coughnotamericacough where over half the people you see are not obese. I’m sure I could like this place more if I had Arab money, but I’m poor and US dollars do NOT go very far here. Ok so since I’ve arrived in this airport I’ve explored, slept, shook security, changed currency, explored again, ate a meal, drew a picture, and wrote this entry, so now there’s only 14 hours left until my flight takes off…yayyyyy y y y  y    y    y     y         y     y                y                    y
-Woke up for the second time to security standing over me. He did not sound happy but after I showed him my boarding pass he let me be. Got another 2 hours of sleep and there’s only four more hours to wait until I can get on my 6 hour flight. Can’t hold me back world!!!