Eagles Can't Escape Nick Foles

I saw a headline tonight saying something to the effect of “Jaguars are shopping Nick Foles around the league; Wentz needs a backup.” 


Don’t you start with that dead horse again Philly sports media. Weird to find myself hoping the Eagles don’t bring Nick Foles -- the man beloved by every Eagles fan for miraculously leading us our first Super Bowl -- back to Philly. I love Nick Foles. He gave me one of the best nights of my life (that sounded weirder than intended when I read it back). He is a stand up guy who deserves all the good things life has brought him. But no, I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring him back. 

Foles never did anything wrong, in fact, he did everything right. But the sad thing is, he tore the fanbase and the team apart. His heroic play left many believing he should be the true starter over Carson Wentz (even over 2017 MVP caliber Carson Wentz). Yes, Foles played out of his mind that fateful and glorious winter of 2017-18, but when all is said and done, Carson is the better quarterback. He’s the future of our team and bringing Foles back into the fold will only stir up that old rift in Eagles nation. The last thing we need is another season hearing whispers of “but we can start Foles and see how it goes” after the first “bad” game Carson has. And I say “bad” in quotes because Carson’s “bad” games are ones in which he plays at a top 15 QB level. No, I don’t want Foles back. I want Howie’s not going after Foles to be a tip of the hat to Wentz. A vote of confidence in him. A way to say, you’ve got this, it’s your turn to bring us to the promised land so we can be blessed with another Jason Kelce mummer-clad speech. I want Carson to know this is his team and we have confidence that he’s the man for the job. I want the best for Nick Foles. I couldn’t think of a bad thing to say about him even if you paid me. But I don’t want the accompanying doubt and questioning, the questioning. A world of uncertainty is not an environment in which I want Carson to have to try to focus. Leading an NFL team is hard enough without being forced to wonder if you’re even the actual leader. Give Carson a solid backup. Give him some peace of mind. Give him the support he needs in order to give us another Lombardi. Give him someone that’s basically, but not actually, Nick Foles.

Bonus thought: This whole “not wanting heroic 2017 Eagles to be on this team” is a theme I guess cause I can’t wait for Alshon to go. He was one of my favorite players and despite his superstardom, I thought he was underrated. Putting all the exceptional play and contributions to our first Super Bowl victory in the past though, we have 2020 Alshon to deal with. His head’s a little bigger, his hands a little more brick-like, and nearly everyone feels safe in assuming he’s the epicenter of the locker room drama. I’ll welcome the day I read a headline saying he’s gone and I look forward to seeing who/what we get in return.

Carson: You’re the man, go win yourself (and us) a Super Bowl
Nick Foles: It’s all love, but we just can’t have you back. It’s too complicated
Alshon: Thanks for 2017 and the Super Bowl week interview you did, but good riddance.

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